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Avatar since: 11.07.2006

Age: 36
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IF YOUR FIRST MESSAGE DOESN'T GET ME KEEP TRYING NOTE: if video doesn't play minimize then maximize the page and it should work. Well my real name is Alex, i live in Canada, Ontario, Guelph which is south in ontario for those that dont know. I dont really like to rate my self i let others say stuff about me being good or bad but most of the people i have talk to like me for who i am and say that im a nice person, i listen to people when they have something to say, and alot of girls seem to think im really cute but thats their opinion I do have a pic of my self on here but if you want to see more just go to and my avatar name i chose it because thats my gamer tag for xboxlive and dont think of it any other way i do have a life im currently in college for police foundations at fanshawe in London, also i play World of Warcraft, i know the game is increasing in popularity really fast, so i play on my character Sangheili mostly on the Farstriders server, look me up some times. So this is a little about me but if you want to know any thing else come and talk to me best way to get answers. BTW THOSE THAT COME BY TO VISIT, IT IS POLITE TO LEAVE A LITTLE MESSAGE BUT NOTHING NASTY OR CHAIN MESSAGES OR ASKING/BEGGING FOR MONEY OR A GIFT PLZ AND THANK YOU!!! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
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Gamer4life117 has no special someone.

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