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Avatar since: 22.03.2007

Age: 62
United States - AK
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I'm easy going, relaxed, and attentive
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İlgi Alanlarım
What kind of lover are you?

You're a very intimate lover who makes love rather than just has sex. You can't get going unless you are head over heels in love with the person you're with. For this, your lovemaking is very intense, producing multiple orgasms for both you and your mate. You are very tender and emotional when it comes to sex and are often praised for how good you can make it. It's very easy for you to feed off of what your mate wants and you never have a problem giving it to them.
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What one word best describes you?

You are Passionate
You are Passionate
Loving, Amorous, Romantic, Sentimental - Someone is going to enjoy you at all times. You live by the knowledge "Love conquers all", and it's all true in you.
How do you compare?
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