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My Sandbox

Welcome to my page my lovely little sky diamonds!
I love you very much

My Name is Cel, i'm a chaotic lil puddin with little time on my hands. I spend time with those i love and cherish. I'm an aries so there is that. I live for travel irl. I listen to anything and everything so suggest me some songs, i'll be forever grateful.

Too many, all my specials know who they are. Come hang with us at Rambi's Den or - R E G E N C Y - we're forever looking to expand our group. Share in the love and chaos my darlin xo

Shop CelestialChaos
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Welcome to my page my lovely little sky diamonds!
I love you very much

My Darling T
I love you so so much!!
My Spidey Man <3

Too many, all my specials know who they are

Shop CelestialChaos
Welcome my lovely Sky Diamonds
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