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boşluk bırakıcı
boşluk bırakıcı
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Avatar since: 28.07.2006

Age: 37
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You would kill 4 this*Just a little bit

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Names Brandon, Seasoned for 19 years and I possess a "Y" chromosome. I live in the great white north. Been romantically involved with Emocore, Screamo and Hardcore for a while now. I'm still a sucker for a deep piano line or acoustic guitar though. I scar myself with a needle and ink. Tagged as fresh meat for those who are familiar with the terminology. On the other end of the spectrum I'm enrolled in the infantry. Enjoy every second of it. I don't play many console games, but I swear my life by any adventure Link has undertook in Zelda and every single Banana I've picked in Harvest Moon. I'll defend Zelda and breed my cows till the day I die! Glad to talk to anyone that makes sense. Cut me a chat sometime or leave your mark with a message. IMVU lifelines = Genaeve * xEmok1dx * Viperboss

**Thunder's List of Do Nots**

DO NOT Preach to me about your god
. You're alone. Face it.

DO NOT Act like you ARE god
. You're the same decaying organic matter as everyone else

DO NOT Ask to be my IMVU gf
. I will only make you cry.

13 and say you are 25. Same result as previous point.

DO NOT Pick a fight with me
. I have a belligerent factor second to none. You won't win

Stay clear of those and we'll have a razor bladin
' good time!

Contest Still Open

**Thunder's Half-Assed Lyric Contest**

Each week I
'll put up a line from a bitchun tune.

First person to post the correct song name and band from which it originated from

wins a measly 10 credits!

Try to keep it google free and test your musical knowledge!

**Can only enter and win once per month**

"All those times the highways melted,
left to wake in city skylines
while we wake at

All Coding Done by Genaeve>

Mcpl. Toska (in the toque) Cpl. Greene (our confused camera man) and Myself (in the mask) at the kill house in L.F.C.A.T.C Meaford during an Urban Ops training course.

Free video hosting, video codes at

Contact Me
My Room
My Interests
Birthday:April 19th 87
Current Location:Shwa
Eye Color:Gasoline blue
Hair Color:Black as black
Right Handed or Left Handed:right
Your Heritage:if i go allll the way back Wales baby!
The Shoes You Wore Today:white/green dirty enties
Your Weakness:kryptonite
Your Fears:raisn kryptonite
Your Perfect Pizza:dude how fuckin retarted is that question? are we standing in a circle getting to know eachother in grade 2 again?
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:find more things i like less abot ppl
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:zomg
Thoughts First Waking Up:curse you sunrise! Your death shall come soon and swift!
Your Best Physical Feature:lets go with..... my distal bones.. i guess
Your Bedtime:when the 5 moons align and the blue sun rises for glory
Your Most Missed Memory:When the scene wasn't anything before kids turned it into a credit card shopfest from Daddy's wallet
Pepsi or Coke:neither; carbonated drinks suck
McDonalds or Burger King:yeaaaa um well no
Single or Group Dates:group if shes down ;)
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Nestea, do i look liek a damn facist?
Chocolate or Vanilla:dont make me chooooooose
Cappuccino or Coffee:bleh neither, Tea bitches!
Do you Smoke:haven't. don't. won't
Do you Swear:with every breath
Do you Sing:When provoked
Do you Shower Daily:yes because baths are dirty :(
Have you Been in Love:Lets not go there
Do you want to go to College:yup, currently
Do you want to get Married:to an amazing girl
Do you belive in yourself:only on tuesdays and early friday mornings
Do you get Motion Sickness:only when theres motion
Do you think you are Attractive:20,000 french men cant be wrong!
Are you a Health Freak:if i can afford it
Do you get along with your Parents:they keep their distance...
Do you like Thunderstorms:very much so, exciting to think someone i might not like got hit by lightning
Do you play an Instrument:piano/guitar
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:yes.. a month.. come on..
In the past month have you Smoked:n00perz!
In the past month have you been on Drugs:prescription
In the past month have you gone on a Date:yea but.. yea
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:hells no, malls are un-fun
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:no, oreo's fear me
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:sushi is horrible
In the past month have you been on Stage:yes but if security had their way i probably wouldn't of been
In the past month have you been Dumped:subject change
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:no its bloody fuckin freezing
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:the heart of every girl i meet bahahahaaaaaa no
Ever been Drunk:what a retarted question
Ever been called a Tease:nope im straight to the point and gets what me wants!
Ever been Beaten up:she was like 300 lbs!!!!!!!!!!
Ever Shoplifted:kinda
How do you want to Die:zomg dont make me choose! something so fucked up ppl would admire me for it lol
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:chef
What country would you most like to Visit:ummmmmm france.. but the country side.. not the cities -_-
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:blue
Favourite Hair Color:black
Short or Long Hair:depends on how it looks on them!
Height:doesnt matter
Weight:doesnt matter
Best Clothing Style:plz no abercrombie or baby phat :(
Number of Drugs I have taken:countless prescription
Number of CDs I own:tooo fucking many
Number of Piercings:lip
Number of Tattoos:uhhh alot of them run together so ill just say 35 hours of tats
Number of things in my Past I Regret:regret nothing and live forever!

Army, tattoos, Hardcore, Screamo, emocore
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