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Avatar 2007-02-11'den beri
Age: 32
United States - FL
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"Type your tagline here"

See My Albums (1)

YAY VISITORS! I don't have internet at my house so I wont be chating with you anytime soon unless you catch me on MSN wile I'm at the freakin library. Anyway... I like video games pizza and the MARVOLES INTERNET! Also like movies and chatting with complete strangers that are about my age so e-mail me!

Bana Ulaşın
My msn is Biohazard-95@hotmail.com
temas mesaj kişi ekle ilet engelle
boşluk bırakıcı
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Arkadaşlarım (4)
My buddies rule and if you say they dont I will shank out your eye and feed it to my cat!
boşluk bırakıcıboşluk bırakıcı
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İstek Listem
This is realy just here for me to keep track of what I want, Of course I wont mind if you get me somthing, In fact I just mite un-shank your eyes if you do XD
Eisengard (M) ~ GREEN ~BioHazardBioHazardspacerspacer
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Whuld you like to see somthing weird?

Yeni İnsanlar
What makes them so cool? I shuld shank them for not sharing there coolnes with me!!!

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