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Avatar 2007-04-02'den beri
Age: 49 18+ Age Verified Yaş Doğrulandı
United States - NV
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".. love like you have never been hurt .."

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Girls Fall
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket WHAT THIS WOMAN WANTS ~ dance with her in the rain no matter who is watching ~ give her flowers just because NOT because you were being an asshole the night before ~ leave her little notes on the bathroom mirror ~ hold her while she dreams even if you dont like cuddling ~ tell her you love her every chance you get ~ never go to bed mad stay up all night if you have too ~ never leave the house mad if you are late for work so be it ~ tell her she is beautiful even if she just woke up and her hair is everywhere ~ dance her on your feet even if you cant dance ~ hold her hand in public ~ kiss her in front of your friends ~ ALWAYS stand up for her ~ never choose your friends over her ~ when you make plans with her NEVER break them to go do something with your friends ~ never take her for granted ~ cherish her ~ NEVER forget her birthday or your anniversary ~ NEVER call her cute she was cute when she was 5 ~ give her cards just because ~ stop on the side of the road and pick her wild flowers JUST BECAUSE ~ when she is sick take care of her ~ hug her ~ hold her when she needs you the most and dont say a word ~ call her in the middle of the day just to say "I Love You" ~ dont just tell her how much she means to you show her and really mean it ~ call her and tell her you miss her even if you will be home at 6 TELL HER YOU LOVE HER ... and REALLY MEAN IT!!!!! ~~~~~~~~ @@@ ~~~~~~~~~

Relationship Status: Divorced
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