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Avatar since: 23.01.2006

Age: 51
United States
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A light from the darkness shall spring.
İlgi Alanlarım
Vigilant are our sentinels and rangers, and foolish are those who seek to harm a haven, for there will be no succor when the need arises. The way will be shut, and you will hear the revelry and solace from within.
Welcome to my garden sanctuary my friend. Take a seat and relax for as long as you wish. I am The Lady Atanone of The House of Taliessin. I am a scribe, healer,herbalist and jewelsmith, second only to the Lady Nolemire. You may know her as the Lore Mistress. If you are in need of information or a story, she is whom you should first seek. If she does not know the answer, she will point you in the proper direction. I warn you, the answer you receive may not be the one you seek, for as a scribe once recorded seek not the advice of elves "For they shall say yes and no" (Tolkien) That said, I will be happy to help you in anyway that I can. May the Valar bless and protect you. ****(Will update soon with additional info)
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Atanone has no special someone.
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PSSST! I SEEE YOU! Drop me a message instead of tip-toeing through. Besides, you know I am nosy enough to peek back at your page...
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Coal MirrorDark Aged Box BenchRed Fancy CouchLamp yellow n blackRegal Couch(StyleA)

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