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Custom Avi Stickers

That's right! I'm now doing custom avi stickers. Just leave a message telling me what you want in it, or just chat with me. There are different effects I can add, and you dont have to pay a cent extra for them. You pay 300 creds for an avi sticker with any effects youd like. If you're interested in purchasing one just leave a message! ^-^

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Avatar since: 22.07.2006

Age: 32
United States - OR
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123Inuyasha321 has no special someone.
Gruplarım IMVU Gruplarına göz at!
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Developer Devoted To Animals

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İstek Listem
I know It's alot. It's not like you HAVE to buy something. It's just there for nice people to buy something!:D
Tmove 2 guns bang bang^^Geminjewel Assassin T BRed Evening Gown BottomRed Evening Gown TopV2Rainbow Umbrella
Seraph Suite O BlackSilvermoon AerisLand of Whyst kitstalking kittenspacer

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