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boşluk bırakıcı
boşluk bırakıcı
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I'm a rather sweet girl, but I can at times be outspoken and blunt. Some people may say that is per se... a bitch, but I prefer the word honest. Usually I'm incredibly sweet. I love to make people laugh and happy. I have the heart of a 5 year old. Which means, at times I can be super immature. I love to dress up and look cute, even if I'm not going anywhere special. I love fashion and hair.
I have a high confidence level, it doesn't mean that I am conceited, it means that I am comfortable in my skin. I am very materialistic, but I'm not shallow!

I'm not here to have "avatar sex" or whatever people call it nowadays. I'm here to meet (not in person) and talk to new people. I'm also not here to impress you, I can assure you that trying to do that will never cross my mind. I don't deal with drama on here, if you think that is how you will get my attention, you're wrong. So please, when it comes to drama/fighting make a mature decision and don't approach me with it: If you do, you will be simply blocked.
I like to help people, so if you have a question for something you need help with I will be more than happy to help you to the best of my ability.
So on that note, talk to me babies!

December 12- I was without a computer yesterday so I couldn't update, but nothing really happened anyway... I probably won't be available on IMVU chat for a little bit maybe Wednesday I will.. I have my Christmas list alllll sorted out and I'm incredibly excited ;D I think I will be going to London some time soon, so that exciting. Anywho, I'm out! xo

December 10- I'm trying to figure out how to work these iFrame layouts. I used to think that I was rather good at the whole HTML scene, but this iFrame stuff is rather complicated... Oh well, I am determined to figure out how to use this. I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED! ;)
**Update: I think I found it out! I still have to make a little tweaks to it but hopefully i'll have it all figured out by the end of the night! Gah, I'm so excited about having a DIV (swtiched from iFrame to DIV) layout! I feel like it'll make my page look a whole lot better <3

"We are all of us stars, and we deserve to twinkle."
Hey there! Welcome to my page.
Since you visited, you should leave me a message!
I reply to absolutely every message I get! I love talking to new people, so don't be afraid to leave a message or chat with me.

Thanks for visiting, come back soon!

Welcome to my page! xo
boşluk bırakıcı

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